AirDrive II – Mezz USA,In the bag, currently. Mezz Air drive II jumper; my sons Predator, Mezz Kia break cue and my playing cue, which is a McDermott SL2 butt with a Cuetec carbon fibre shaft.,MEZZ AIRDRIVE II,In the bag, currently. Mezz Air drive II jumper; my sons Predator, Mezz Kia break cue and my playing cue, which is a McDermott SL2 butt with a Cuetec carbon fibre shaft. The little jump handle I use for massie shots and super close cue/object ball draw (stab ,HAZET(ハゼット) ラチェットドライバー 出力:角ドライブ 12.5 mm (1/2 インチ) 280 rpm 高トルク|トルク > 400 Nm の手締め用エアラチェット 【日本正規輸入品】9022P-2,