Jake Bullock/ Unprld - Chunk Unboxing - Yo-Yo Videos - YoYoExpert,store — Jake Bullock,Introducing the Chunk, a collaboration between Unprld and Jake Bullock. . From Jake: . There's something about a yoyo with caps. My first yoyos ever had caps (Duncan Butterfly and Yomega Fireball),,Introducing the Chunk, a collaboration between Unprld and Jake Bullock. . From Jake: . There's something about a yoyo with caps. My first yoyos ever had caps (Duncan Butterfly and Yomega Fireball), -,Quick dirty work trick with the Faded Chunk, available now on my website (link in bio) . . . #chunk #unprld #yoyo #yoyoing #yoyotricks #trickcircle #yoyotrick #stringrejection #yoyoslack #yoyos,