40.8 Ct. 34.5x15x7 Mm 100% Natural Web Cloud Mountain yungaishi Turquoise Cabochon, Gemstone, 1DX 53 - Etsy
40.8 Ct. 34.5x15x7 Mm 100% Natural Web Cloud Mountain yungaishi Turquoise Cabochon, Gemstone, 1DX 53 - Etsy,散装青金石- 天然、抛光且稀有的青金石,可用于制作珠宝,The translucent plume stone is very interesting when we see it in the light Fresh off the wheel's Indonesian goldeN plumE Cabochon,z-z734 天然泰國藍寶石裸石/總重1.16ct/附證書,松散天河石 16.97ct 蓝绿色 天河石 出售宝石, 经认证的亚马逊石 来自马达加斯加, 天然未经处理的宝石, 梨形 18.6 x 17.6 mm,