A Tetrazine Amplification System for Visual Detection of Trace Analytes via Click‐Release Reactions - Li - Angewandte Chemie International Edition - Wiley Online Library
A Tetrazine Amplification System for Visual Detection of Trace Analytes via Click‐Release Reactions - Li - Angewandte Chemie International Edition - Wiley Online Library
A Tetrazine Amplification System for Visual Detection of Trace Analytes via Click‐Release Reactions - Li - Angewandte Chemie International Edition - Wiley Online Library,Solid Solutions of Plastic/Ferroelectric Crystals: Toward Tailor-Made Functional Materials | Journal of the American Chemical Society,The Association Between the Gut Microbiome and COVID-19 Severity: The Potential Role of TMAO Produced by the Gut Microbiome | Archives of Clinical Infectious Diseases | Full Text,A multifunctional molecular ferroelectric with a high Curie temperature and electrical–thermal double-switch coexistence: (C 8 H 14 NO)[FeCl 4 ] - Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers (RSC Publishing) DOI:10.1039/D3QI00964E,Multifunctional single-component organic molecular materials: ferroelectricity, negative thermal expansion, and polymorphism - Materials Advances (RSC Publishing) DOI:10.1039/D4MA00444B,